Dear Christensen family:)
I LOVE YOU!! Can you
believe that it has now been over 5 months since I have been gone? They were
right, once you get past the first couple of months, time doesn't seem to
slow down:) It progressively gets faster and faster. I'm looking forward to seeing
you again in just 2 fast sundays:) And.. I am extremely excited for General
Conference in just a little over a month!! It's like Christmas in April:) haha
yes, I am a slight nerd:) Thank you for the care package! I loved it and it was
a wonderful surprise! I got it on Saturday:) You can be assured that I
won't be hungry:) Thank you! All of the food looks delicious!
Anyways.. onto my week:)
So you may have heard, but Omaha hit a record low yesterday in temperature!
haha how exciting right?;) So the record for March 2nd in Omaha was -4 and it
was set in 1913. Yesterday it was -5! So we broke a record and it was the
coldest March 2nd that Omaha has ever seen:) It seems like we have broken a lot
of records this year with the temperature:)
This week, we got a new
investigator!!!:) Let me tell you a little bit about her:) She went to the
trail center around Christmas time with one of her friends from another ward.
She really liked the things that she learned there so she filled out her information
on a card and requested visits from missionaries. We contacted her several
months ago right when we got her information, but because of a really messy
divorce, she said that she needed some time before she could accept missionary
lessons and learn more. So, we have been contacting her off and on for the past
couple of months, waiting for the day that she was ready to learn. We contacted
her last Saturday, not really expecting a different response, and we weren't
too surprised to hear that she said it was still too crazy and it wasn't time
yet. We waited and didn't respond for a little bit and about 10 minutes later,
she responded saying that for the last 10 minutes, she hasn't been able to
think, because something kept telling her over and over that she needs to meet
with us. We about fell off of our seats with excitement!! So we set up a
time with her and went to teach her on Thursday, with the same friend that took
her to the trail center. It went really well! We taught her the Restoration and
she had a lot of good questions. I haven't ever worked with someone who is
dealing with the concerns she has, but, we were able to help her
recognize what source those thoughts were coming from, and
how she can overcome it. We are supposed to invite everyone
that we meet to be baptized on our first contact:) it can be really scary to do
that sometimes! So at the end of the lesson with her, I pushed aside my
selfish fears and invited her to be baptized:) I think the neighbors could feel
my heart rate from several homes down! haha JK! She was pretty stunned that I
asked her, but she didn't say no! She said that she would have to study it some
more and pray about it before she could give me an answer!! and that is
the perfect answer! I am so happy! There are people that are being prepared for
this message:)
The Lakeview ward had an
adult party on Saturday that was a Mexican fiesta theme! It was
really fun! They even had a mariachi (sp?) band!
Mari had her
farewell party last night that we helped serve at which was really fun as
well!! She leaves next Monday! crazy!!
I have some pretty cool
numbers to tell you! These were taken from last month, and last year at the
same time. It shows how much this work is hastening!! And it gets me really
pumped:) haha:) So less active/recent convert lessons last year was at 1,242 in
one month. Last month, it was 3,146 lessons to larcs in a month!! Last
year, there was 292 returning larcs in one month. This last month, it was
The Lord has said,
"Behold, I will hasten my work in its time." (D&C 88:73) and..
it's time! In Moses 1:39, we learn what His work is. "For
behold this is my work and my glory-- to bring to pass the immortality and
Eternal Life of man." This Lord is hastening His work. It is His work and
cannot fail. It is the greatest work to be a part of and I am so blessed to be
a missionary at this time, to help those individuals that are prepared, come
unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel! "Remember
the worth of souls is great in the sight of God!" (D&C 18:10,14-16)
and how great shall be your joy, as you participate in this great work and
bring other souls unto Christ! I will leave you with a question to think
about.. What are you doing to help the Lord in the Hastening of His work? As
you pray to know who you can help and how you can, He will reveal that to you
through the Holy Ghost. He knows us perfectly, and the people around us
perfectly, so let us rely on His perfect knowledge so that we can
help them as He would! You are all amazing and I love you so
much! Keep your heads up!
With Love,
Sister Christensen
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